Whats up!!! That's so sick about Kipp no joke that kid is a G ahhahahaha! But I don't have much time so I’ll tell you about the miracle land called Temaiku. When I got there we had like 5 investigators that were ok and they were getting like 20ish lessons a week. I’m not trying to brag right now but this is to show how God will work through people if we just let him work through us. 6 weeks later: WE GOT 73 LESSONS THIS WEEK BABY WHOOOTTTT! It's like an all time record ever dang near. We have some of the sickest investigators.
So like this one family the mom and they dad we started teaching and I was only kinda hopeful for them because they were kinda interested and he was very heavy smoker. So we made a plan and he followed it, prayed for help, FASTED for help. So we go to him on Tuesday and we immediately notice he looks different... not sure what it is but like its a good different. Then he goes on to tell us how he is done smoking!!! He said he just doesn't want it anymore, like someone offered one to him and he just didn't want it. Then he said usually when he smelled smoke he loved the smell but he said he doesn't even like the smell. He has been going to church and we are just working on his marriage and he will be baptised.
We had 12 investigators at church this Sunday too. God is just throwing prepared people at us I feel like sometimes. Like just it's crazy!!! It's literally the land of miracles. Like this one lady we just found already knows it's true but her husband won't let her so we talked about Nephi 3:7 how God allows a way for us to accomplish and keep his commandments. AND we fasted with her yesterday and we are baptizing her daughter this Saturday but I know God will provide her a way to work it out. I would have to say the one frustrating thing is just people who know it's true who want the change and are so close but they just won't do that big action of stopping smoking or drinking or going to church. THAT’S ALL ITS TAKEs. like it's absolutely insane to see how just the gospel (not us) works a mighty change in people's hearts.
I’m honestly way glad to be where I am because it's just on fire right now. My next goal in a few weeks is to get 80 lessons. We will see how it goes but it's a goal in the next few weeks. Another miracle is this kid prayed about truthfulness and he had a dream we came to teach him and after we left two men in all white came and told him it was true. I can't understand how people can shut out miracles in today's time.
I love the quote from Joseph Smith when someone told him Mormons believe too much he said "yanno, (obviously Cody language injected here!) I haven’t heard of people being damned for believing too much but I have heard of people being damned for not believing enough". IT's like people limit God's power when they don't believe he can work those miracles. We have a lot of people getting ready for baptism here soon, the fruit of the work the past 6 weeks I hope will be realized in the next 6 weeks. I'm literally living in a land of miracles. Also, I convinced my investigators to find me a sea turtle shell. Needless to say last night he had a tasty dinner and in a week I’m getting a sea turtle shell. I’m wondering if I should send it home in a package or just carry it for two years. Also, I got two packages WHOOT they are the ones in green sparkle tape with crocs and candy and medicine. I’m so grateful for the face wash my face feels so much cleaner. But just for you to know as for medicine and bandages of all kinds I can get from our nurse as well as sunscreen and soap. all those health products I just have so much I don't even use that if I leave I'll have to leave some behind anyways!! But the crocs are sweet!! And the candy. The nacho cheese doritos were incredibly unreal soooo tasty. Just a huge bag of those is all I need in my life. Lets see what else. My Kiribati homie Elder Kaakau who worked with us the part 3-4 weeks left to America today IN THE SAME MISSION AS JUSTIN MOORE WHAT!
But yeah the work is killer!!! I feel like I have a handle on the language. I start with my new companion tomorrow. He seems like a nice young man!!! On p day me and my friend play intense ping pong so I’m about to go do that. Transfers are fun because new elders come in or whatever. One of my homies from my intake came in from his outie because they were dying from lack of supplies or something so that was wayyyy fun seeing him. It was so crazy seeing my intake but it was the absolute best without a doubt!!! That is so fun about Kipp though and Sam sounds like his basketball is going good. How was Ella’s patriarchal blessing!!! They are real neat for sure!
Anyways gotta run love you all peace out till next week homies:)